We all love beauty and no one would forget a perfect smile.
One of the alternatives offered to us today are Invisalign devices. Invizalign is portable and transparent, almost invisible, custom made for your teeth. Invisalign cases are kept about 22 hours a day, changed every 3 weeks and their number depends on the anomaly. Advised for mild problems of crooked teeth.
Invizalign is portable and transparent, almost invisible, custom made for your teeth. In addition to invisibility and convenience there are many other reasons to choose invizalign.
These are some of the reasons:
- It is just as effective as traditional bracket appliances.
- Helps your appearance as aesthetic as possible during the treatment.
- Creates convenience in eating food.
- Aesthetics, is a major reason people choose invizalign.
- Can create a safe protection for the teeth during sports activities by providing protection from possible shocks or shocks.
- Personal dental hygiene is kept easy, as with the removal of invizalign you can use the brush and dental floss in a normal way.
- Invizalign creates a protection for people who gnash their teeth during sleep, as it stops grinding teeth with each other.